Lesikar Family, February 25th 2017 - Sweet Home TX

Family Session

Last Saturday I have the opportunity to go down memory lane with a sweet lady that I was very close friends with in Junior High/High School. We got to know each other while playing on the same area volleyball league team and continued our friendship thru our first few years of High School. Of course life happened and we went our separate ways. THEN, Sarah won my giveaway drawing and we got to reconnect!! She is now the wife to a terrific guy named Shane and a momma to a sweet little man named Henley. I truly value friendships like the one we have. We haven't seen or talked to each other in YEARS, yet it was like we never missed a beat. I am so glad I got to visit with her and her family. They are beautiful souls, inside and out! Thank you Lesikar family for making my job so easy! I look forward to seeing what wonderful plans God has for your lovely family! Enjoy!

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