Hobby Lobby Obsession - Midland TX

I have decided the best store ever invented is Hobby Lobby. Guys... the store has everything! My husband and I stopped by there this afternoon to get some deco for my Meet & Greet session coming up (click here for details on that!) and oh my goodness am I excited for that! It is going to be SOOO cute. I am already drawing up ideas for staging and cannot wait to share with ya'll! Of course, we can't go anywhere without something happening... The ONLY item Matthew picked out himself was this cute ceramic acorn. He thought the kiddos would look cute holding it. Well, he dropped the bag when we got back to the car and it broke. I think it is salvageable, but man was he bummed! Poor guy can't catch a break! Seriously though ya'll, CANNOT wait for this session. Hope to see you there!

- KS