Practice makes Progress! - Big Spring TX

Welp, got in my first rough set up for the Meet & Greet Mini Session next weekend! Practice makes progress, guys. I learned about 1,000 things today by doing a trial run, here are a few of them:

  • Do NOT attempt to set up a session without help. And no, a 19 month old does not count as help. Daddy Dearest is away hunting, so when I say it was a "rough" set up today, I mean that in every sense of the word.
  • Sometimes they just aren't going to smile. My kiddo is normally a pretty happy camper, but today he was Mr. Grump. While that initially threw me for a curve, I'm so glad (now, after having some time to reflect) that he changed it up on me. I had to be flexible and think on the fly of ways to get a "quality" photo, even if it wasn't of him beaming.
  • Lighting is everything. We went out at about 11 am today and man was it harsh. I have several sessions schedule around that time, so now I'm going to be able to adjust the set up for the comfort of those clients and also adjust myself/camera to get the best lighting options.

I am absolutely loving this new journey I have started. I am learning new things all the time and I hope to be able to share in the making of great memories for those who allow me to help create them! Can't wait for the 8th!

P.S. Here's a shot of what 5 minutes of a 19 month old "exploring" can do to your set up. This was his favorite part, messing it all up!

- KS