Nostalgia - Shiner TX

This past weekend I went home to do a Senior Session for my little sister. She's graduating from college soon and we wanted to get them out of the way before the holidays. Going home requires a little more planning these days with making sure our animals are taken care of while we're gone and making sure I have everything together for the 6 hour trip with a toddler. I have to admit, my little man does really well in the car and I can't complain. Living so far away from my hometown really makes me appreciate it when we do get to go back and visit. I see it differently now, more through a visitor's perspective I guess. Shiner is beautiful. It's like stepping into a warm little bubble in time. Driving past the high school brings back so many memories. I think that coaching and teaching there took away a little of the reminiscence that I recollect now. Not that I would change that part of my life; I loved coaching and teaching there too. I know I've hit "that" age. The young men and women that are in high school now seem WAY too young to be that old. I remember watching the CWS every summer growing up and thinking one day I'm going to be there. Then the time came when I was in college and the girls playing were the same age as me. I still see them that way, even though they are youngsters and I am most certainly not. I can't believe how quickly LIFE happens and keeps happening, regardless of how fast or slow you want it to go. I am lucky, to be able to "jump back in time" and revisit all those places and faces that I grew up with. While visiting with my grandparents over the weekend, we got into some of their old photo albums. I absolutely LOVE looking through those pictures. Those memories; those "warm little bubbles in time". Maybe that's why I wanted to start capturing those memories for other people. Because I know how important having those memories are to me. 

Am I really "that old"? To be able to dedicate a whole blog to the memories of my sweet little hometown? I guess I am and it's not bad at all.

- KS

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